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Together again

All together again...perfect, well almost. Abi came back from her week away from Angie's just a bit out of sorts and the first 24 hours was a bit fraught as she and we settled back into normality again. She's so much like Glenn in so many ways - he's exactly the same when he goes away, albeit he now appreciates his home comforts enough to generally be more than ready to come home.

I have had to have a number of little chats with her about the fact that she's very lucky to be able to do something like this. Her initial response - "its not fair that Usma is allowed to go for 2 weeks and in the summer she's there for 6 weeks!" Hmmm - and that's why her mum is having problems with her I suspect. I think a big part of the problem was that she was tired and hungry - more so than last time. Once we'd got a hot meal into her and a good nights sleep it all started to come back into focus. Good job really as Izzy was so pleased to see her home and to start with couldn't really understand why Abi didn't want to just head out and play like normal.

Anyway, 24 hours on and we're pretty much good again - the girls are playing happily together (i.e. lots of the normal bickering and laughing, mostly the former but all good natured) - it's amazing how restorative sleep is. Abi has (somewhat reluctantly) admitted it's good to be home and that there are many home comforts she appreciates. Not least her dogs, her bed and a clean dry toilet! This morning we baked, played and chatted - normal order resumed thank goodness.

I'm very conscious it's only a matter of time before we see much more of this behaviour and Abi becomes less communicative. Today she was lying on her bed generally immersed in her iPad and books and I was trying to encourage her to come out for a walk. Despite having to bribe her with the promise of cake, once she was out she had a great time and said herself she was glad to be out. I know that these days are numbered - she'll grow more distant and there's nothing really we can do about it other than keep trying to talk to her. Izzy will no doubt follow rapidly afterwards and I will so miss my beautiful girls and all these precious moments with them. This evening we all snuggled up in bed and read one of the books we used to read together, this time acting out some of the parts and having a giggle along the way. I then lay on Abi's bed with her, stroking her head and cuddling while talking about nothing. If I could bottle that and keep it forever I would - time passes so fast, too fast.

This evening they have had a ball, Sharron and Simon came for dinner and brought them a make up kit - eek! They had a great time putting on their faces, laughing at me and my general lack of knowledge as to what you might ever need more than one brush for?!? They looked gorgeous but soon learnt the lesson of it's easier to get on than off - hopefully that will put them off wearing it too often! We then all rolled onto the big sofa and watched the SCD Results together - we're going to miss them when they move to Leicester.

Week off next week and off to Centre Parcs - first time in a couple of years. Kids are looking forward to the swimming pools. I'm looking forward to a few days downtime. We're planning on using it as a base to see some friends and meet Mum and Dad at Stourhead. The autumn colours are simply amazing this year so I'm hoping it will be a real treat to be there. I'm also hoping we don't get the  lurgy or an ear infection. That'll be a first for Centre Parcs!


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