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Welcome Freya!

So after a tough week of saying goodbye to Scooby it was inevitable that we would need some cheering up. Knowing we were going to lose him at some time - he did have amazingly long last legs after all - we had already had the discussion about what we might have as a new friend for  Bertie. I had been very much in the camp of something smaller, Glenn was adamant he wasn't prepared to have a puppy and the kids just wanted a new dog to make two. We toyed with the idea of a Cocker Spaniel for a short while until I came back from a walk the other day and announced it wasn't happening - the mud round here would mean we would constantly be washing it and the floors and it would drive us both mad.

Despite their occasional poor reputation we've both always liked Staffies and so that's what Glenn was looking for. Obviously looking for a slightly older dog is somewhat perilous. We didn't want a rescue so then it's about finding a lovely dog that for no fault of its own needs a new home. If you then want one reasonably close to home and in a certain colour you have to take some chances! Luckily for us we found an ad for a dog which was being rehomed due to the current owners going overseas and so we pinned our hopes on her being 'the one'.

Freya is 11 months old and comes from Woolwich - she's a townie dog in other words. It was clear with a 5 hour round trip that she would have to be a basket case not to come home with us, particularly when she turned out to be very friendly. We took Bertie along with us and he seemed to approve so that was it. I decided it was definitely a good sign when the lady we bought her from burst into tears on letting her go, asking us to send lots of photos. So far so good - she's crate trained and has some sense of being house trained (no messes so far but quite a few puddles), comes to her name and loves the kids. What we've also realised is just how much hair and slobber was down to Scooby - bless him he was the perfect gent but we've seen the difference in that I've not had to wash the walls since he went!

On day one there was a little bit of sorting out who is boss between the 2 dogs - Bertie is having suddenly to be a grown up while Freya learns the ropes. This said she tells him what's what if he oversteps the mark! Today though they settled down properly together and already we've found them snuggled up together clearly enjoying each other's company. I did wonder whether we were doing the right thing but since Freya arrived Bertie has stopped racing around the back of the house every time we get back from a walk - I think he has been checking to see if Scooby was there up until now.
Fingers crossed it all goes well - you never know what you're getting when you buy a dog regardless of age - we'll get her checked by the vet to ensure no hidden nasties, but if the first indicators are true we'll be fine.

In other news it's half term and so of course Abi disappeared today to Angie's to ride for the week and Izzy and I are planning her week's activities. Tomorrow we are looking forward to a Beaumont family walk at Westonbirt with Simon and Audrey, Amanda and the boys and Mum and Dad. It's lovely having Simon back in the area and we are making the most of it. The kids can run around, Amanda is bring Milo to meet Freya and then she will take Izzy back to Somerset for the night. Glenn and I are having a night to ourselves (woo hoo!) then heading down to collect Izzy and pop into see Kerrie on the way through. As for the rest of the week - all planning still in progress but no doubt it will fly by.

I was definitely ready for a week off as well. Work is 'interesting' to say the least, with disruption through technology hitting all of our clients and so in turn hitting us. Some people are leaving, others being asked to do different things and who knows where it will take us. For me I've pushed to be more regionally based and so once my secondment is done I will be more frequently in Reading and the Thames Valley. I can't wait - I don't know if I can make it wash it's face commercially but regardless I don't want to be doing the 3-4 days in London anymore. Apart from the fact it's so tiring I want to be working in businesses which are smaller and more focused. I suspect this wil be an interesting 12-8 months all round workwise...


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