Puppy Love #1 |
As ever Abi was at Mia's - the two of them are joined at the hip. Abi went straight from school on Friday and finally rolled home at lunchtime today. I did get to see her for a hug on Friday afternoon when I turned up at 4pm to collect them both but left childless with Izzy staying on for football club and Abi disappearing to Mia's, and again on Saturday when I yet again failed to bring her home and left again empty handed. Thank goodness she only lives around the corner!
Puppy Love #2 |
This does mean that Izzy gets lots of one on one time which we both love so it's not all bad. Abi and I have always loved to take the dogs for a walk together and for a while I've been conscious that Izzy and I don't have something similar. that may be about to change as she has started to come to yoga with me on a Saturday morning. All credit to her - Saturday's class is not for the faint hearted - the room is heated to sweat inducing temperatures and its a 90 minute full on class. She has been a few times now and I'm pleased to say it has given her a new found appreciation for my ability to do the whole class when she finds many of the poses either too hard to hold for the required time or too difficult to do. That said, she's very bendy and getting better already so no doubt she will have it nailed in no time!
Tomorrow is Abi's taster day at St Gabriel's and then Izzy goes along for hers on Thursday. From what we have heard there are 4 new girls joining Abi's year, including Mia, and 18 joining with Izzy so nether of them will be the only new girls. Of course they are both joining with friends (Krishna is also going from Izzy's year) and they know many of the girls who are already there so hopefully they will slot right back in. I'm in two minds as to whether I want Abi and Mia to be together in a form group. On the one hand if they are it will be lovely for them, however if they aren't it will force them both to integrate a bit more. I'm sure the school will have through about this and do what they think is best. Izzy's best friend is off to another school and while she and Krishna get on it's not the same as Abi and Mia so I'm not so bothered whether they are together or not.
Before that the theory is that we have 4 weeks left of school time, although in reality they had their exam week last week and so it is very much down hill from here on in. This coming week is results week then they have trips week, then a filler week before the last week of sports day, clear up and speech day and then that's it. I daren't think about what a waste of money this part of the year is as far as school fees...
Trips week for me is turning into a logistical nightmare. The plan was for me to work from home all week given both kids are away and so is Glenn. Now it's a 5am drop off on Monday morning with Abi, followed by normal drop off for Izzy and then I have to hot foot it into London to host a meeting with the Cabinet office. Thursday is somewhat similar, just without the drop offs. And then to cap it off, and far worse than the 5am drop off, Abi gets back from France on the Friday at 11pm - eek, that's way past my bedtime!! I'm going to need a holiday just to wind down from the fact I'm in charge of dogs and guinea pigs as well as sorting the kids and doing a normal busy work week. Luckily our holiday is beckoning - we've even remembered to pay for it (slight oversight on my part when I realised we should have paid the balance in May - oops!)
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