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What a lovely couple of days we have had in Somerset. Of course, being us we booked for 4 nights and only managed 3, but it wouldn't be a Drinkwater holiday if we stayed all the way to the end! We drove down on the Monday (in 2 cars, Glenn with his bikes and our luggage in the van and us in the car with Bertie happily taking up the whole boot) and stopped at Mum and Dad's on the way for lunch and a walk. It's been so wet of late we knew that this would mean a muddy walk but that we could wash Bertie of then before heading onwards. We had lunch in front of the fire after admiring all the work that has taken place since we last visited - they really have transformed it beyond recognition in the relatively short time they have been there. The staircase is now in and looking as though it was always there, and this has served to completely re-orientate the house around a central point rather than the previous feeling that it was two houses bolted together (which it is I guess). Their bedroom is a cosy little oasis and the bathroom looks fab - time for a break for them both.

After lunch we set out for a walk with Bertie enjoying the fact that he got to run alongside if not play with Fergus and Rosie. From here we went on to the cottage we had booked in Bicknoller, which as it turns out, is a lot further on than I had thought. It didn't matter and the time we spent getting there was gained in being that much closer to the beach and the Quantocks.

On Tuesday we had a relaxing morning while Glenn was out riding before heading to the beach and Bertie's first day trip of café lunch before a walk on the shoreline. He had a ball, firstly being perfectly behaved in the café (unlike the other dog that wasn't allowed in inside as he was so noisy!), then having a fab time running in and out of the sea, exploring the waves and chasing seagulls. Even Glenn enjoyed the first part of the walk before finding a comfortable spot and saying he would wait for us to come back and collect him - he is definitely an old man in waiting sometimes!

The forecast was for the weather to change on Wednesday so we made the most of what we had and the kids and I got ourselves sorted and went up onto the hills. We had a brilliant walk with me showing them all the places Amanda and I used to ride, as well as telling them stories of how Glenn and I first met when mountain biking there. Once again Bertie was in his element - I think he rather enjoyed his first mini-break!

As predicted the heavens opened at lunchtime and the already wet ground just got wetter. We set off for Amanda & Alex's and while Abi and Laurie went to the stables, Amanda, Izzy and I took their dogs out in yet more rain - a bit of a theme by now! We then went back to have a few hours watching the kids babysit one of Amanda's neighbours kids, a 3 year little girl called Elodie. They were in their element as we fended off requests for more children - not happening!! Glenn and I then left the girls there while we went and had dinner with George and Deb. Food average, company excellent.

Bertie and I had been doing a similar route in the morning and it was mostly under water by Thursday morning. The plan had originally been to go to Mum and Dad's again for lunch and another walk, but the weather was definitely against us and when we looked outside even we, not faint hearted in the face of some rain, decided that driving back from their house soaked to the skin with the smell of wet dog wasn't appealing so we just set off for home.

It was a lovely few days but it's always so nice to be back in your own house again, The trouble is we are spoilt with what we have - great house, wonderful walking on our doorstep and lots of home comforts. It was great to get away and even nicer to get home :-)

The road / river outside Mum & Dad's house!


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