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Mud, mud, (not so) glorious mud

I would sing along but I am so fed up of the mud - please can we just have some dry weather so at least some of it disappears and I can go for one walk without then having to go through the rigmarole of cleaning the dogs yet again. This wouldn't be such a chore except for the fact that Betty hates being washed off and unless you keep her on the lead and get to her quickly, she roars around like a mad thing doing loops of the garden and getting increasingly wound up, barking at Bertie and generally being a pain. 

This week the constant rain and dark has been getting to everyone, particular as we are still living with so many restrictions. The vaccine programme is progressing as well as could be hoped but even so it feels the light at the end of the tunnel is still pretty dim. I am trying hard to remain positive and I appreciate that we are at the best end of the Covid experience, but really I'd just like it all to go away now. I'd like to see friends and family and be able to give them a massive hug. I'd like to plan something spontaneous and meet in a public place. I'd like to drink coffee in a high street where you have to sprint to get a table because there are so many other people around. I'd like to be able to go to a showroom and see goods in person before I buy, rather than buying online and hoping when it turns up that its the right colour / shape / size etc. Of course I'd also like for people to be well and for there not to be this fear hanging over everyone. 

In more upbeat news, Kerrie had her scan this week and she is having a baby girl!!!! All is well and she is due early July and we are all so excited. I'd struggling a bit with the idea of being a granny (step- granny please), not least because I don't think I'm ready to be called Granny, or Nanny or anything similar, but I can't think of an alternative and 'Kersty' doesn't sound right either. Suggestions gratefully received! She's really getting into the idea of a new baby now - it's becoming a bit more real every day and even Ryan has bought the bump her first outfit - an England rugby strip!

We've been pushing hard for a move date with the couple buying our house, and this weekend we finally landed on the 16th April as a date to aim for re completion. This of course means we would be moving a few days before the ids (we hope) start their new school, so we've agreed with Steve that as long as we have exchanged contracts we can move in before completion. As he says, having put so much money into it already we're hardly going to change our minds and so its pretty low risk.  I have to say we can't wait - all of us are very keen to get in and get sorted - we are fed up of waiting. Of course we should be enjoying the fact we have all this space and a house that is perfect for us, but no, we just feel like we are knocking about waiting, kicking our heels with nothing to do... no wonder I don't have much to write in the blog each week right now!
Gracie looking thrilled at prospect
of a new friend :-)



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