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After a beautiful day of sunshine yesterday, today it snowed... but more of that in a minute.

Yesterday actually felt like a day of much progress. Despite Covid we managed to arrange a visit to Taunton School to have a look around with the girls and to meet the Headmaster. This was a massive relief as I had got to the point of thinking we would have to accept a place without ever stepping foot inside the school. In the end we had a very comprehensive, if a little deserted, tour of the school and the kids loved it, as did we. There may even be a small chance they might squeeze us in if we are there by the summer term - that is of course if the kids are back into school by then.

The other news was that I managed to speak to Mr &Mrs Tucker - the people buying our house - and we tentatively agreed that we will try and complete during the Easter holidays which could have us moving in the third week of April. This does require everyone to have got all of what they need done, and that of course is dependent on restrictions being lifted, the vaccine programme continuing to roll out as it has done and some sort of normality looking like it could be possible - fingers crossed for us all. It also requires solicitors to make sure everything is lined up, along with planning permission for the barn etc etc.... who would buy and sell houses?!?

Guard duty - you never know

A trip to Taunton wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Barn and it was looking splendid in the winter sunshine. Every time we go a bit more is either finished or underway, and this time it was the wooden floor, which looks brilliant, and the block paving which was about 2/3 complete and also looking fab. The team are back in this week to rebuild the kitchen and get the work surfaces templated, finish the bathrooms and start to get everything plumbed in. That will make a big difference - being able to use the bathrooms rather than planning our trip around when and where we will need to stop to use the loo - easier said than done when most places are shut and you can't visit anyone!   

So after another day of down and back by return, today was a markedly different weather day. I got up before 7am as normal to let Betty out and it was cold and dry, but when I came back down 10 minutes later the snow was just starting to fall. By the time we got to the middle of the village it was settling and Betty had turned into a Jack in the Box chasing snowflakes and trying to capture them in her mouth as we went. We got to the field and I let them off and they shot off together, clearly very excited by the heavy snow and making the most of the game. We finished off our walk wading though a couple of inches and despite it being breakfast time it was a chore to get Betty inside - far too much going on outside! The kids were up early and took both dogs back out and they spent most of the morning out there. By the time I came downstairs after (zoom) yoga she was flat out and absolutely knackered. Didn't stop her from asking to go back out half an hour later for another game. It's a good job she's made the most of it - by this afternoon it had mostly gone and we are left with the muddy slush - ugh. Tonight is supposed to be -3 so at least I don't have to brave the roads tomorrow morning for a Monday commute - that would not have been fun. 

This week is another busy one for work but I won't complain - I would far rather that than a slow week. The kids are back into the school routine, if you can call it that, schooling from home is something you get through rather than enjoy - I probably should take phones off then but in reality its the only thing that makes it bearable for them so I don't have the heart. Roll on half term and some hope they can go back - who'd have thought they'd be so desperate to be in school!!

Snuggle time!


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