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Calm down!

Trapped inside so just having a 
look outside via the windowsill
I can't start every blog banging on about how busy things are, so this week I'm going to try and focus on something different. 

This weekend we have mainly been trying to keep our hooligan pupster calm as she was spayed n Wednesday and apparently needs to send 10 days (10 days!!!!) "going for short lead walks, not running or jumping and resting as much as possible".... Hmmm. so, how are we doing? Not that well! We brought her home on Wednesday evening and to start with it was heart-breaking, She was still very dozy from the anaesthetic but refused to just lie down and sleep it off. We might have known at this point it would be difficult. The only place she would settle was outside on the lawn so I ended up getting a blanket and sitting with her outside despite it being cold and looking like rain. 

Once I finally got her inside (I had to carry her), she then swayed about until she fell over. I managed to get her to lie down, but she was very restless until she finally fell asleep. The following morning I was expecting a slightly subdued puppy but no, she was bright and breezy and expecting a normal walk.  I just about got away with taking her into the field before taking Bertie out but since then it's been a battle. Day 2 I managed to sneak out without her, Day 3 she flat refused to go into the field without Bertie, and then proceeded to roar around the field before shooting back up to the house and doing her normal high speed laps around it. 

So having failed in my single duty to keep her calm, I took her to her check up at the vets on Friday morning, only for the vet to make me feel even more guilty say "Boxers are particularly prone to ripping their stiches out so it's even more important to keep her quiet" - how ?!?!?

Anyway, today is Day 4 (or 5 if you count the day of the operation) and I've given up and this morning we just went for one of our normal walks, my only concession being she stayed (mostly) on the lead,
and we didn't go climbing any hills. I'm doing my best!

This week the weather has really started to turn and we have had some very autumnal moments, including torrential rain, wind and mist, interspersed with bright sunshine that makes you wonder whether you imagined it had got colder suddenly. We had a miserable day of rain mid-week and despite it not actually being that cold, Glenn cranked up the wood burner. The picture looks like everyone then spent the evening lounging in front of the fire, but as it was after about 10 mins it was too hot and everyone had to move back - I think we probably need to leave it a bit longer. Glenn has also bought a couple of thermometers to test our thermostats. His view was the heating hasn't come on as its broken. My view, it hast come on because its still too warm in the house. I'm pleased to say I'm right, but the rest of the family are still complaining and trying to light the fire despite it clearly being 24 degrees in our main room!

This weekend we've had all kinds of weather and today Izzy and Glenn went off to Westin Beach Race (they both want to enter next year), while Abi and I spent most of the day waiting for the farrier who then ran out of time and didn't make it at all. The upside of this was we spent half the time hanging our with Mum and Dad putting the world to rights. The downside was it's such a waste of time. I did reflect however that in a few years time neither of the girls will want to spend a day with us and so I should celebrate the fact that we both had time with each of them - long may that last.

Finishing Sunday with a lovely
(if dog free) walk 


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