We're not very good at things like Mothers Day in this house. It's not because we don't want to express how we feel, its just that quite frankly we can do it without all the fuss of card buying for the sake of it.
We woke up this morning to a beautiful wintery scene of frost on the ground and the sun coming up over the trees. Yesterday I was hoodwinked into staying in bed by Izzy "Please Mummy, stay in bed for Izzy-cuddles, we don't get the chance to do this in the weekend days..." Given she so rarely comes into our room I couldn't pass up the chance, only for her to start wriggling almost immediately Glenn got up to walk the dogs. Within 5 minutes of Abi joining us they'd hatched a plan for us to have 'lovely shower together', which basically means I put the water on, barely get wet before I'm kicked out so they can use all the hot water - sign of things to come?! Remembering all of this I was quick to get out of bed and it was one of the mornings where the sun was shining through the trees and the frost was glistening - just perfect. By the time I got home the sky was clouding over - again I realise why I get out of bed early - so often its the best part of the day weather-wise.
The point of all of this was I walked back into the house to hear Glenn shouting up the stairs at Izzy because she apparently couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to sign a mother's day card. Turns out it wasn't quite that straight forward. Abi had brought it up to her only to tell her it was "too dark in here for you to write it neatly so I'm doing it!" so Izzy was left in tears and Abi wrote the card (and Glenn shouted for good measure). So my first mothers day task was to restore the peace. Izzy got a second chance at the card, Abi got a cuddle and Glenn put the bacon sandwiches on. Sunday morning routine re-established!
This weekend Glenn has been working like a Trojan to sort out the new garden room. Like many projects the bit that appears to be the most significant - the build - is in fact the easiest part. Since then he has painted and varnished, put down a floor and skirting boards, all to have it perfect for the girls. Any concerns they may not use it have quickly been put to bed. It has been transformed into their 'dance studio' and they have spent every moment possible since being allowed in their pretending to be various characters from their favourite programme 'The Next Step'. This is all good, except maybe for the fact that I have to watch a new dance show about every half an hour. So far they are all quite abstract, all though Izzy in particular has got some pretty dazzling moves and both are working hard on doing the splits - something I never achieved! Izzy was so chuffed when I watched a whole routine rather the 1 minute I had promised her - little things.
In amongst the fun, there is some seriousness. This evening I had a very grown up conversation with Abi about cervical cancer and the importance of regular checks when she gets older. This arose out of her mentioning that she gets embarrassed now about some parts of her body. Without going into all the details we talked about why she shouldn't be, and had a really good talk which ended with her saying that she could talk to me because she trusts me - oh long may that continue! We finished off with her giving me a great big hug and telling me she loved me - the perfect mothers day present.
Short this week and then off to Barcelona next weekend. Should have been to run a marathon, now to have some spring sunshine, cheer on Kerrie and have a few birthday celebrations. I will admit I'm really looking forward to it now there's no stress of a massive run - roll on the weekend!!
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