Lovely to now have the longer days, although it does mean that getting the kids back into their respective homes and towards bed is becoming a challenge. I came home this evening to find Abi, Izzy and Grace scooting around between their house and ours, soon to be joined by the twins, Lizzie and Jamie. Luckily the pod has become the place to be rather than indoors - result! The girls and Grace are inseparable when they are all around. We headed to the Chase with them on Monday for a wet Easter Egg hunt and they spent half an hour jumping in streams before heading back, jumping in the shower and then disappearing next door again. What more could you want than a neighbour and best friend rolled into one? What's brilliant is as ever they seem to be accepted as a pair with minimal fuss. The same thing happened on Tuesday when Izzy was invited to a party Abi was going to at late notice. As one of the Mum's said - Izzy is such an integral part of year 4 we couldn't not have her come!
I spent a bit of time this evening reading back old blog posts and realising how much some things have changed, and how little others. 2 years ago we were in the midst of decorating, I was in the middle of interviewing for my job and Glenn was planning his RM350 ride. A year ago we were just breaking for Easter and Glenn was of to Spain to do his 'bike testing'. I smiled when I read back 2 years ago that the plan was for my new job to be less hectic... and a year ago about the fact that I was heading into Easter to collapse in a heap. I suspect that it was always to be the way as I head back into a run of busy weeks as I cram 5 days into 4 so I get some time at home.
The girls are particularly loving at the moment - to us and to each other. They have got back into the habit of having baths together (we had gone through a stage where this seemed like a phase that had ended), and this evening they sat together laughing and joking, arms around each other as they lay in the bath happy as anything. With me I get "how are you my lovely Mummy, you are so special..." generally a precursor to wanting something but often its as simple as a cuddle. Long may these times continue - they are so special and our house is full of love and laughter - the way it should be.
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