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Argggghhhh - give me strength! 9 weeks I've been saying "where is all your uniform, have your tried it on, what needs replacing?" The stock answer - "it's all fine Mummy, stop being so annoying" Cue this evening and (a) we can't find half of it and (b) the half we can find doesn't bloody fit. I don't know why I bother. I have one in tears (Abi) and the other (Izzy) faring better because of course she can just inherit all of Abi's cast offs. To top it all Abi has also just informed me the school shoes she has had for no more than a week are too tight. I may explode. Having just gone to the school uniform supplier's website they are also out of stock of everything we need. Abi will be going back in whatever she has to hand. It doesn't bode well. h well, iof I can't buy it at least I don't have to go through the whole conversaton of how they can justify charging so much for a school shirt - I'm about to start campaigning for supermarket uniforms for them - would probably last better as well.

Prior to WW3 breaking out we were actually having a nice evening. The weather has been lovely this weekend after a pretty cold August and so we had a BBQ and then the kids roasted marshmallows (mainly getting it all over their hair / teeth / hands / dogs). I'm trying to hold onto some of that peaceful memory at the moment!

Other than the fact they have nothing to wear to school they are sooooooo ready to go back. Both are now completely fed up with hanging around at home, there's nothing more to look forward to in terms of trips or treats and quite frankly they know they need the routine. Izzy needs to get back so that she has some routine to her getting up time. This morning they both got up pretty early for them (around 9am), but no-one appeared to get dressed until at least lunchtime. I did ask on a variety of occasions and they definitely both came back 10 mins later in different clothes, it just still looked like PJs to me. This isn't helped by the fact that they seem to go to bed in the same clothes they spend the day in - who knows now what is bedtime attire vs daytime. I guess it makes life easier when despite having got up, had breakfast and started the day they both also gravitate back to their beds and duvets at half a moment's chance - as I said, back to school can't come quickly enough for any of us.

Right, rant over - guess being the adult I have to make amends. Must practice my standard matra - "I'm the adult, don't shout. I am the adult...."


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