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Happy birthday Abi!

My little girl, looking so grown up
And so we are there, Abi is 13 and so we officially have a teenager in the house! Of course, it's no different than the day before, albeit she has had her moments over the past few days - nothing like picking a fight with a relative when you are feeling a bit feisty - and then leaving your mother to clear up the aftermath...

On the day itself she had a lovely day. Pressies in the morning before school which she was very pleased with. A jumper she'd admired the week before, the picture which I'd ordered months ago, carefully hidden and then after 2 weeks of searching finally found, some new PJs and cash towards the phone she keeps saying she's going to buy but hasn't quite saved up enough for yet. It was then off to school where she was spoilt by her friends with some lovely gifts before finding out at assembly she shares a birthday with the headmaster - result (not!). I picked her and three friends up from school and then took them into town where they had a hour or so browsing the shops before we met Glenn, Izzy and one of her friends for a meal at Pizza Express. I got top parent marks for a) booking them a separate table and then leaving them to it and b) allowing them to have the music blasting in the car, with them all singing at the tops of their voices, while I dropped everyone home. I had to laugh when one of them very sweetly asked if I minded if they sang the swear words. Given it was a special evening I said yes - maximum parent brownies points!
Abi showing me how to be a human speaker!

This weekend has been the normal whirlwind of activity. Yesterday I had the luxury of a 3 hour yoga workshop which went past lunchtime so Glenn took Izzy motorbiking while Abi decided instead to arrange to go to the cinema with a friend. Another sign of her growing independence, she had all the times and details worked out - I was just required to buy the tickets and drop her off. Typical - I've suggested the cinema loads of times and always get a 'no' - when one of them finally decide they quite enjoy a trip to the pictures I'm no longer cool enough to go with!

Despite not being cool enough out of the house, both girls at the moment are very loving once we are behind closed doors. Having lost a close friend to cancer in the last few weeks, Abi in particular is very conscious of what it means to have her Mum when others aren't so fortunate. She said to me yesterday that she was sad at the thought that one day we may not live close to each other and she won't see me every day. As I said to her - it's worth remember how lucky we are even when we might be bickering in the way all families do.

The final note is a 'watch this space'. Both kids are angling for more (MORE!) pets - this time reptiles. I said to them today that if they show me they are sufficiently responsible by keeping their bedrooms tidy every day until Christmas, I'll consider it. By some miracle they both immediately went off and within an hour their rooms were spotless (hoovered and everything), and they promise me they won't let it slide. We will see. Abi of course then tonight tried to persuade me that in reality I should trust that they will keep their rooms tidy and buy now... no chance!

Image may contain: one or more people, baby, close-up and text


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