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One girl and her dogs

 If we can still walk together liked we walked this afternoon when Abi is 14 then I will be happy. I had such a lovely walk yesterday that Abi was keen to join me today and so off we went up onto Wayfarers territory where the skies are big and the pheasants plentiful. Despite telling me I was a rubbish mother only hours earlier (I hadn't immediately conceded to her demands to judge her show while I was midway through the washing up), all our cares were blown away by the stunning landscape, total lack of anybody else around and wide open fields of corn stubble to walk through. The dogs had an absolute blast chasing as many birds as they could, as fast as they could. Luckily they are completely scatterbrained about it and didn't mange to get even close but it certainly tired them out, they had to crash into the cool grass afterwards and they're currently snoring loudly on their cushions, what more could they want?

While the dogs roared around Abi told me about school, about her plans when she (finally) gets her first horse ("Not yet Mummy, I need to learn more and be more confident"), and how she is going to (happily) tell Mrs Sinsbury that she can't make the Saturday full dress rehearsals for the school play because its her birthday weekend and she wont be here! Walking is such a great way to open up a conversation - its so much easier if you are doing something, particularly if its active. I just hope she always wants to do that with me.

This morning we had more fresh air at our annual outing to the Newbury Show. This year Mum and Dad came to us first and then we all went together, safe in the understanding that none of us wanted to stay beyond lunchtime. Izzy was keen on doing only 3 things - 1) see Simon and Sharron in the food tent; 2) see the enormous snake and 3) go on the Ghost Train with an adult.

This last one is as a direct result of going on it last year with just Abi and scaring herself silly - she was taking no chances this year! It was a better result this time - apparently it was "not scary at all..." other than the price of course. At least inflation hasn't come to the Fairground yet - its still £2.50 for everything which very quickly adds up. I had to go at lunchtime, I was broke! We did manage a quick look in on the snake tent on the way out but by that point Grumps was having his own sense of humour failure (too many people, past his lunchtime, ready to get home to his own dogs) and so we opted for the sensible quick exit.

So while we did this, Glenn did his first cyclocross race. Apparently there were loads of people there and he had a great time, coming 31st out of 74 on his first time is not bad at all. More importantly he didn't get lapped - the real test of whether you succeeded or not!

Tomorrow I have my first Monday off - a very long weekend indeed after having Friday as well. We are off to see Simon & Audrey's house renovations which should keep me away from the email nicely - I'm certainly liking these 4 day weeks!

All tired out, dreaming of pheasants...


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