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Time flies!

As expected back to school has resulted in the world speeding up again and so I missed writing the blog last weekend. Who knows what got in the way - I think I was dashing around getting sorted for Monday when I needed to be up early, on calls and then out of the door for an overnight work thing in some old peoples home in Kent. Clearly once upon a time the hotel we were in had been a very grand house. Now it's more faded grandeur with many staircases and freezing cold or boiling hot rooms. The meeting room we had on the Monday afternoon was in what used to be a nun's bedroom and it was brassic - thick walls and small windows have their place but in a listed building it doesn't make for easy heating! On the plus side the grounds were lovely and I found time to get out for a run so its not all bad.

The rest of the week I think was ok - work is an odd place at the moment but where isn't. It seems everyone I talk to who works for a large organisation is suffering in some way or another. Years of cost cutting, uncertainty now from Brexit and the global political situation and the relentless push to report nothing but growth and profit has left many companies in a precarious position. As the focus on the gap between those that have and those that have not comes under greater scrutiny I wonder when we will reach the point where we have a tipping point and start to see some balance coming back into the system. I also reflect on how I would feel now if I were coming up through the system. I'm not sure I would still pursue the path I have. I see may of our best and brightest opting out before they get too far, looking for more balance before its too hard to give up what you have. Of course its always more difficult when you have already reached a senior position - I have some quite well thought through ideas of ways in which I could do what I do for myself rather than for a big business. I have a brilliant network and could definitely make it happen but of course I also have a mortgage, 2 sets of school fees and a family to feed. Like so many others I feel committed to maintaining that and so stepping off the hamster wheel feels impossible. Going down to 4 days is helping make me feel I have more time to give which is great, although maybe if we weren't all expected to give so much everyday I wouldn't need to do that. Ever has been the conundrum - nothing new.

On the positive side I'm finding I have more time again to think about my glass work, much to the family (well Glenn's) despair - I think he's concerned that I'm just going to fill our house with random bits of glass, none of which really has a home. He could be right. Luckily most of what I make quickly finds a home elsewhere. I made a bowl which was finished this morning which was only partly what I'd hoped it would be. In my mind it was the colours of a coral reef - green and blue on the sides with a vibrant orange centre. In reality the orange just didn't quite work how I'd intended and while Izzy was pleased with it Abi immediately spotted the flaw. In her inimitable way she pointed out the centre looked like it had been done by a child. Hmmm, I know all feedback is good feedback but sometimes she could temper her thoughts! No fear as one of my lovely friends stopped by to pick up her daughter and commented on it so she was sent of with it tucked under her arm, smiling from ear to ear with her present! Izzy would love for me to get good enough to have my own shop (mainly so she and Abi can play shops properly)... At this rate I'm pretty clear I'll need to keep the day job for a while longer!


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