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Sick House

We are officially in quarantine with both Glenn and Izzy having come down with the lurgy. Poor Izzy has taken to her bed, Glenn is lying on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket and Abi and I are left to be sympathetic to all. Abi isn't even trying and I'm having to bite my tongue  because when I had what I think was the same thing in the week I didn't have time to stop and think about it so it only lasted 12 hours...

We went to bed last night commenting on the fact that Izzy was clearly not well and had just quietly gone to bed with minimal fuss after a dose of calpol. This was obviously the calm before the storm as at about 1am she came in to us in tears feeling like a little volcano. Luckily for me she was keen to tuck up beside me for the kind of solace you only get from your Mum at times like these. I of course like nothing more than a hot 9 year old pressed up against me to make for a restful night's sleep and so Glenn went off in search of another bed and I tried to comfort her while not completely over heating myself. Unluckily for Glenn, Abi had already commandeered the spare room king size bed so he was left with a choice of 3 single beds, all of which are essentially top bunks! After a poor nights sleep (all round) Izzy was feeling a bit better this morning but has gone down hill again and is once again running a temperature. I guess I could measure it to see just how hot she is but we've never really done that and so it's a case of a hand on the forehead to confirm that, yes, she's hotter than normal. Worked in times gone by so I'm sure that's fine now. I'm just hoping everyone is back to normal by tomorrow - it's really hard tip toeing around everyone who's feeling rubbish.

This is just the end of what has been a weekend of mishaps. First Glenn was due to go to the Bike Show in Birmingham on Friday and got half way up the A34 only for the Range Rover to start flashing red warning lights at him. Being sensible he turned around and came home having called JLR support. They came out to test it and declared the turbo aerator to be the problem, which means a trip to the garage. Cue swap for a Jag XF which is currently sitting outside the house for an undetermined length of time.  Abi and I then set off in the van yesterday to take the dogs for a walk up on the hills. We got as far as the church when we heard an enormous bang. There was no jolt, we hadn't hit anything so we quickly pulled over to find that the tyre wall had completely blown out. Thank goodness we were doing 25 not 85 mph. Even more importantly the whole thing was witnessed by a friend of ours who came rushing over and was able to confirm to Glenn that I had indeed just had a blow out rather than hit the curb or worse. We then discovered that the spare wheel, to date untouched, doesn't actually fit so he had to limp home on a flat... oh and the brake pads need replacing! Just perfect.

The next mystery rather than mishap is our heating which is misbehaving. We flipped it on momentarily this week as it got cold for one night, and now it doesn't seem to want to go off. Even more odd its only certain radiators that are warm, with both the towel rails in our bathroom piping hot. Very strange and of course we have no idea what it could be, except of course finding out will be expensive. Hopefully it will sort itself out, but unlikely. I shall ignore it for the time being.

In amongst all of this I'm getting used to a 4 day week despite work's best intentions to thwart my efforts. I'm at an all time low as far as that's concerned. Who know what will happen but a change is due. Life is too short to spend so much time feeling so compromised by what we are doing to our people in order to maintain rewards for the few. I feel powerless to change it for so many reasons and so I need to decide what the best solution is for me. Scary stuff.


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