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Banking the little moments

I am making the most of these 2 months of down time before the work speeds up once again. This morning Glenn went off a bit early and so I made the kids pancakes for breakfast (we will gloss over the wisdom of this as I reassured myself that they both had fresh fruit in them which counteracted the sugar-fest!) before taking them to school. In a few spare moments before leaving Abi and I lay on her bed cuddled up  for a chat - a wonderful moment in time with my (not so little anymore) baby girl. I know these moments are getting fewer, not just because my work pattern will change again, but also because the girls get busier and they don't remember to stop for a 'huggle' as much. This said I've been lucky this weekend as I've had a few of these to cherish. The 3 of us have been watching 'The Greatest Dancer' which manages to appeal in different ways to all of us. We snuggle up together on the sofa and once everyone has found their space (with equal amounts of leg piled up on me whether I like it or not and both dogs as close as they can get on the floor) we watch together and shout for the ones we like, cry over the emotional ones and laugh at the silly ones. I now understand the appeal of Saturday evening family TV - its one of the few ways to guarantee a cuddle with your kids! Sunday night is Call the Midwife so that's the next few week's viewing sorted. Glenn has obviously opted out of all of this and watches some shouty 'Traffic / Police / Stop' thing on the other side in the kitchen - his loss!

One of this weekend's high points was Abi announcing that she fancied a new (drastic) hairstyle. Somewhat out of the blue she said she wanted to cut her hair to shoulder length as she was bored of it being long. I told her to sleep on it and when she woke up on Sunday morning and said she was convinced, off we went to the hairdressers.

The hairdresser and other customer all watched as she sat down and had a good 6-8 inches of beautiful long hair cut without a backward glance! I think it looks lovely, she likes the length but not the layers, Glenn is still needing to be convinced. As I've said a couple of times, it will grow so it's all OK. When she went into school today all her friends like it, with many announcing they would also be having theirs cut - much to her disgust. At least she'll have a few days of being the one to stand out!

In other little moments Izzy has a new gymnastics routine for us every day and is becoming quite the little performer. It makes a change from being engrossed in her iPad / phone / book / makeup mirror.  I worry a little when I hear that her wrists / elbows / knees / back and ankles all need stretching as they ache - I hope she's not going to do herself an injury - but we can't fault her determination to master her moves. She and her friend Jessie spent ages the other evening on her bar swinging up and over it with Jessie coaching Izzy - I am very proud of her achievements. Of course much like all other activities they enjoy, neither of them show any interest in joining clubs to learn with others. I guess like their parents they are both very happy to just get on with it - doesn't seem to be holding either of them back - much like all of us really!

Izzy taking photo's with her new camera -
can't argue with the soft focus filter!


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