Always happy to have their photo taken, albeit I think they want something! |
This is just another example of the general self-centeredness of children of their age. It's not that they don't know who closes drawers / picks up wet towels / makes beds and the various other tasks that ensure our house doesn't look like a tip. They know precisely that it's me and Glenn, they just don't care - if it's not something they want to do, forget it. Conversely if they want something (earlier Izzy wanted me to watch her newest gym routine and Abi wanted to litter pick in the woods) they want it NOW!! I know I shouldn't complain too much - but sometimes I do feel a bit like it's everyone else's needs (including the dogs) before I even get a look in. Thank goodness I go out to work - at least then I get to do things my way and (mostly) to my list of priorities. I can see why Glenn is really clear with them that his needs come first - otherwise he would have a nightmare!
Work is now officially taking a back seat as I run into the last weeks of my time at EY. I'm having to say no to the multitude of requests for coffee and lunch (surprising how much of your time people want when you are leaving somewhere), I've had more than one person ask me for a job once I'm settled in (might be quite helpful!), and I'm at the point where I have had enough and so now its on my terms. I have this week to do some final admin and then I'm on leave from then on until the end of Feb, at which point the overlap starts with the new job, So far I am in the office for a couple of days in that week before I'm officially even employed, not a bad thing to shadow a couple of meetings and start to get introduced to a few key people. Now we've past the Christmas period and I'm back into the swing of the new year I'm really looking forward to it - it feels like its been a long time getting to this point and I'm ready to get going.
In the meantime I'm making the most of time with Glenn and the kids. I've been doing the school run, getting to a few sports matches and trying to take things a bit more slowly before life goes back into over drive again. This also means I'm able to focus my energy on my training programme and I'm getting fitter and fitter for the marathon, So far its going well although I can feel that it's beginning to have an effect on my knees again. At the moment its not a problem - there's no pain - it's more that I'm conscious that the muscles are working harder in that area. I'm really clear - if it's a choice between potentially doing some lasting damage and running the marathon I will pull out. It's just not worth the risk and I love my fitness to much too jeopardise it by overtraining for a single event.
Part of the time spent with the kids has been watching Miranda (absent Glenn of course). This series definitely passed me by first time round - I thought it was all a bit silly. I happened to watch an episode though over Christmas and realised it's both brilliantly written and perfectly acted and I've became hooked, as have the kids. Izzy in particular loves it and so over the past 2 weeks we have watched all 3 series together, with the last one of series 3 tonight to finish it off. We have laughed out loud throughout at the humour (some of which is a bit adult but they either get the reference or don't notice it) and its been a really lovely experience cuddling up together to enjoy it. I'm going to really miss this - will have to look out the next family programme for us to get into.
Anyway, got to go - just received a text from Izzy wanting a hug - she's upstairs and I'm in my study!!
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