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No Blue Monday here!

Izzy proving she still fits in a gym locker!
Apparently this week was Blue Monday - statistically the most depressing day of the year. In my case it was a wonderful day - the joys of transitioning a job! After dropping the kids to school Glenn I headed off to look at getting him a new van by trading in the Range Rover and selling the existing one. Needless to say while we hadn't intended to make a decision there and then before I could say "I want that one" Glenn was drooling over the latest model and working out which extras he needed (not wanted of course - the difference between want and need is clearly for kids to worry about, not husbands!) I was allowed to spec the accent colour and do the negotiation - my normal role when we are car buying. Actually it makes complete sense to go from 3 cars to 2 - it's just taken me a long time to persuade everyone its both feasible and desirable. From my perspective I prefer driving the mini to anything else so I'm happy, Glenn is happy as he gets a super doper new van, and the kids don't care as long as whatever vehicle we are in has somewhere to charge phones!

So the main topic of discussion this week has ben sheds. Abi has taken it upon herself to persuade us that given Izzy has taken over the pod with her gym equipment (which she has), and Glenn has his sheds, she should also be granted some space of her own. I tried to point out that she has a whole host of spaces, but to no avail. I suppose I should admire her tenacity when it comes to these things - she just keeps going until she gets her way - I wonder whose daughter she is! She has politely but firmly offered all kinds of explanations as to why a shed of her own is the right course of action - including where it should be and how it will be decorated. Cut a week long debate short, we seem to have settled on a new shed that will sit down with Glenn's sheds - and she will be happy as a sandboy down there! She plans on sleeping in it all summer long - I think she intends to move into it if she can!

This week has been a bumpy one at school with 2 bugs sweeping through the classrooms. Loads of kids and teachers have been off and  on Friday Abi started to look very peaky. I got a call in the afternoon to ask me to come collect her - I think the school had just about had enough of kids dropping like flies. Abi has basically lain around all weekend barking like a seal with her cough, complaining of horribly sore throat. she did manage to make a slight recovery to go to a party on Saturday night, albeit very sensibly calling us at 8pm to say "bring me home, I don't want to stay for the sleepover". I think the thought of a temperature and hacking cough in a tent of 16 sugar filled girls didn't hit the mark - can't blame her! So far no signs in Izzy or the rest of us - fingers crossed it stays that way!

Today I headed out for my long run of the week. I've been mulling over what to do over the last few weeks. I've loved getting up to this level of running fitness again but I've also been very conscious that the runs are getting longer and I'm worried about my knees / back / hips etc. I did 13 miles today - half the distance of the marathon - and came to a decision, I'm not going to do London. Despite this I do want to keep the pace up on the training programme. So I've concocted a new plan - to try and run 1000 miles this year. If I can keep up the momentum this is doable so that's my plan. I feel a lot better for having made a sensible decision, I know it's a much better one for my overall wellbeing and my sanity!

Abi making the most of my new study chair!


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