It's no wonder that time seems to fly by so quickly when you have to make various decisions so early. We are mid-way through a day of school visits with Abi. This is for a school she wont start until 2020 - that's ages away!! I know its important to plan ahead, but it feels very hard to look at a school and make an assessment as to whether it will suit in 3 years. That said, we chose our schools on the basis of reputation and recommendation and I think its been a useful process. The first, LWC, we went to alone knowing that location meant it was on the long list only. Unfortunately it was lovely and as both the kids will probably have friends going there, seemed like it would be feasible. The more I thought about it though the more I worried. It would mean they would have to board and what if that's not for them? More to the point, what if its not for me?!?! We re-considered, removed another one from our list because it was the same distance in the opposite direction, ...